Thursday, May 26, 2011

There's a sink hole

There's a sink hole across the street from my place. It's real exciting for people. You can't really see the two guys on their bikes, but they're there, and daring each other to jump on the sunken edges. I'm guessing alcohol is involved. Hindsight says I should have let my dog sniff the bush she was so intensely interested in, so I had a reason to stand and watch without coming off as a weirdo. Although I'm comfortable coming off as a comedy lover.

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  1. I hope it doesn't spread and engulf your house!

  2. Lol! Wonder how deep the hole is, hopefully they don`t actually fall in haha.

  3. i have always wanted to see a sink hole for real

  4. Haha, oh man stay away from that thing.

  5. i dont even know what a sink hole is, i can guess. but i dont know how they originate or anything :S

  6. blaming alcohol underestimates the depths of human stupidity

  7. Haha cool. Try to get it on camera.

  8. Wow that's so cool, these things are so fascinating. At least it wasn't too big and didn't swallow you or your house!
