Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Jalapeno Plant

So, this lady I work with has a very successful home garden (or so she represents) and one day she told me that she had way too many chive plants and asked if I wanted one.  I said sure, but I secretly knew that me and plants don't get along.  Once a plant moves in with me, it has about 1 month to live.  So, I placed this plant in my apartment window, and low and behold, these things are growing like weeds!  I can't believe how quickly they grow. 

The chives have given me what is realistically probably a false sense of a green thumb.  But right now I'm convinced I have one.  So I impulse bought a jalapeno plant at the grocery store.  And week 1, success.  it hasn't died.

But I live in a small apartment in the city, and I only have this one window that gets plently of sunlight that works for growing.  Right now it looks like I have 3 small jalapeno plants in a square planter that I'm guessing is approximately 4" x 4".  Sources on the internet say the plants could eventually grow to be 3 feet high.  Has anyone successfully grown jalapeno plants?  Do they need like a cage or something to hold them up, or are the stalks strong enough to support themselves? 

I'll try to update weekly on the status of my plant.  I'll upload some pictures later. ;;)



  1. Aha I know the feeling. I grew tomatoes once for like 3 months because I kept one plant alive

  2. If not a cage then at least a stake up the middle to support the main trunk with.

  3. I'm so bad at taking care of plants >.> they always die

  4. I just realized I don't have any plants in my home. Growing jalapeno plants sounds really fun. Maybe I should start with them?

  5. jalapeno plants sound good. Havn't got one myself.

  6. Lets see some pics of these plants! :D

  7. Just be careful once they hit the teenage years, they start talking smack and you gotta put um in their place. Freakin plants. :P

  8. Congrats on keeping it alive! :3
    Every plant I ever had ees deaded. :(

  9. jalapeno it burns your whole face away. dont want this for anyone.

  10. Good luck! I'll check back to see the pics!

  11. thanks for the tip, i'll pass it along.

  12. My jalapeno plants are far from small, they grew up to 4ft!

  13. Maybe I should Try too

    I loved jalapeno

  14. I never tried growing my own plants, but maybe I should now :D. Some pics would be awesome!

  15. oh dang.. thats cool. I want one now

  16. I've never grown Jalapenos. But, I have grown scotch bonnet peppers. I have two ziplock bags full of scotch bonnets in the freezer. They were not a problem to grow, just plant and then water on a regular basis. Haha.

    Following. Hope you do the same. :)

  17. I haven't planted jalapenos before... But do let us know of how things progress :)

  18. Its real satisfying growing anything! ;D

  19. my cat eats all the plants.

    btw like your blog

  20. I have chili plants myself, looking forward to the pictures! Following!

  21. this sounds quite cool! nice blog!

  22. Ha Ha hopefully that false green thumb can turn into a real one!

  23. Congrats for the green thumb! Chilli plants are usually quite easy too grow once they are going, they usually require a lot of sun light and warm temperatures but they are pretty hardy little fellas. Good luck!

  24. I love jalapenos, didn't know they were easy to grow though. might have to start one myself
